Tony’s Smaakmaker

Tony’s Smaakmaker informs people about Tony’s cooperation with cocoa farmers in Ghana and Ivory Coast. Tony’s mission statement “Crazy about Chocolate, Serious about People” is integrated in the concept of the Smaakmaker.
Being in a cafe, people can order the Smaakmaker from the menu as a new, two-person alternative for pastry. Users can decorate chocolate nibs. with ‘crazy’ flavor combinations, meanwhile looking at postcards, which teach them about Tony’s story.
 The natural and solid looking product exists of a wooden tray, a set of flavor dispensers and a set of five postcards holding six Tiny Tony’s (the chocolate nibs). The chocolates on the cards are shaped as Ghana and Ivory Coast.
The cheerful product works contagious for other guests in the cafe. It invites people to share Tony’s story with friends and family via personal social media, by sending the postcards or by word of mouth. For Tony’s the product is a platform via which they can communicate as many stories as they like. While the postcards are being the software of the Smaakmaker, they can easily be adjusted or updated, thereby keeping returning clients satisfied.